La orgía country de Halsey en 'You should be sad'
Justo una semana antes del lanzamiento de 'Maniac', su esperado nuevo disco, Halsey publica el sexto adelanto con 'You should be sad'. Esta canción es algo así como una canción de despedida a un hombre que no ha sabido apreciar lo que tenía acompañada de un impactante videoclip dirigido por Colin Tilley en el que la artista apuesta por el amor libre.

Los fans de Halsey están impacientes por el lanzamiento de 'Maniac', su tercer álbum de estudio que verá la luz el próximo viernes 17 de enero. Afortunadamente, la artista nos ha ido presentando una buena parte de las canciones que se incluirán en este nuevo trabajo, como 'Graveyard', 'Clementine' o su gran éxito 'Without me'.
Ahora le toca el turno a 'You should be sad', una canción en la que Halsey se despide de una relación que no le ha salido bien, por mucho que se haya esforzado en ayudar a un hombre que solo ha sabido mirar por sí mismo. "Pero no eres ni la mitad del hombre que te crees que eres. Y no puedes llenar el vacío dentro de ti con dinero, chicas y coches" son algunas de las frases que le dedica en el tema.
El videoclip, dirigido por Colin Tilley, muestra a Halsey en una especie de orgía country, con un total look de leopardo o desnuda con una larga melena platino sobre un caballo blanco.
I wanna start this out and say
I gotta get it off my chest
Got no anger, got no malice
Just a little bit of regret
Know nobody else will tell you
So there's some things I gotta say
Gonna jot it down and then get it out
And then I'll be on my way
No, you're not half the man you think that you are
And you can't fill the hole inside of you with money, drugs, and cars
I'm so glad I never ever had a baby with you
'Cause you can't love nothing unless there's something in it for you
Oh, I feel so sorry, I feel so sad
I tried to help you, it just made you mad
And I had no warning about who you are
I'm just glad I made it out without breaking down
And then ran so fucking far
That you would never ever touch me again
Won't see your alligator tears
'Cause, no, I've had enough of them
Let me start this off by saying
I really meant well from the start
Take a broken man right in my hands
And then put back all his parts
But you're not half the man you think that you are
And you can't fill the hole inside of you with money, girls, and cars
I'm so glad I never ever had a baby with you
'Cause you can't love nothing unless there's something in it for you
Oh, I feel so sorry (I feel so sorry)
I feel so sad (I feel so sad)
I tried to help you (I tried to help you)
It just made you mad
And I had no warning (I had no warning)
About who you are (About who you are)
Just glad I made it out without breaking down
Oh, I feel so sorry (I feel so sorry)
I feel so sad (I feel so sad)
I tried to help you (I tried to help you)
It just made you mad
And I had no warning (I had no warning)
About who you are (About who you are)
'Bout who you are
'Cause you're not half the man you think that you are
And you can't fill the hole inside of you with money, drugs, and cars
I'm so glad I never ever had a baby with you
'Cause you can't love nothing unless there's something in it for you